Dr. Jekyll und Mr. Hyde

Les étudiants Marius Hügli et Martin Kovacovsky nous proposent un livre exploitant la technologie de réalité augmentée. Ce livre est d’un très haut niveau, aussi pour la  qualité des images et que des animations.
Marius et Martin ont présenté cette animation le cadre de la thèse de fin d’année à Basel School of design FHNW HGK in Visual Communication.
Ils ont eu la gentillesse de répondre à nos questions pour nous expliquer de leur projet et de leurs visions de la réalité augmentée.
Leur vidéo est la suite de l’interview.


Can you quickly introduce yourself and describe your background?
Both of us studied at the Basel School of design FHNW HGK in Visual Communication.
We are 26 (Martin) and 27 (Marius) years old and live currently in Basel.

Your projects

Could you explain the process to develop your project “Dr. Jekyll und Mr. Hyde”?
Firstly we were interested in the future of books and how they could be enhanced
with the digital media. We always wanted to design a book with AR, because
it is a nice way to combine analog feeling with digital content.
It was very hard to find a Book content that could fit our goal to experiment with
the technology. Jekyll and Hyde is just a perfect story because it includes among
atmosphere and transformation also duality.
In conclusion we can say that it was harder to design a good working book, than
finding ideas how to combine it with AR.

What technology did you use for this project (ARtooling ou other)?
We worked with software « unifeye design » by metaio.

Have you thought the buzz would be so big after  the publication of your video?
Not at all. We are still a bit astonished of the many positive reactions.

Have you been contacted by commercial companies to develop other projects?
Yes we have been contactet for some projects. But there is nothing fixed yet.
If there were a precise offer or contract we could tell you some details
but we are still waiting for it.

Do you want to continue to develop augmented reality and create a enterprise?
We would love to make some further projects with AR, but he answer to this is still
in progress. We have some good offers, but nothing is set yet.

Augmented reality

Speaking of augmented reality in general, could you give us your own definition of this techonoglie?
AR is very fascinating tool to combine different medias in an interesting way.
But still it is just a tool which should be used cleverly, and not get more attention than the main content.
Too Many AR project we know are more a demonstration of technology than giving benefits to a product.

Do you think there exists a market for small entrepise, or artisans ?
Even though the market has grown in the last years, it is still expensive for small business.
Especially for commercial purpouses. It is up to us (the designers) to gain more high quality
products to find more acceptance from the consumers. Because only when they like to use it
and hopefully more than one time, it will have a real breakthrough.
There has to be a benefit for the user, more than only putting some 3D content on a marker
or providing an advertising game. They are fun but nothing more.

Do you think the AR « commercial » (Chocapic, Calvin Klein, italianWine, …) is useful for AR or on the contrary it is not profitable?
We can not tell wether these products are profitable. But we don’t like the way they are set up.
You only have got more effort to see more advertisment. We don’t think that a user will hold his
cereal box in front of his webcam more than one time.

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J’ai une formation technique et je suis passionné par les nouvelles technologies et tout ce qui s’en approche.

Aujourd’hui je participe,à l’animation du blog http://augmented-reality.fr. En 2011, nous avons créé avec Gregory Maubon, l’association de promotion de la réalité augmentée RA’pro dont je suis le président. Dans le cadre des activités de RA’pro, je co-organise les ARuseCamp (http://ARuseCamp.org) et j'interviens pour des conférences, des ateliers ou du conseil et de l'accompagnement.

Vous pouvez me joindre à cette adresse olivier@augmented-reality.fr ou via skype olivier.schimpf

Linkedin ; http://www.linkedin.com/profil.....rk=tab_pro

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