[Job] 2 emplois CDD de post-doctorants disponibles à l’Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique de Paris

Post-doctorate in immersive scientific visualization of membrane proteins and their assemblies. (M/F)

The LBT has developed original tools for visualization and analysis of protein structures, ported to advanced environments such as virtual reality headsets and display walls. This project aims to apply and improve the Unitymol approach to the study of membrane proteins and their assemblies. In particular, we plan to provide broader support for the variety of structural data available today, especially for cryo-EM datasets, and to partner with the company PaleBlue and Prof. Lutz Eichacker at the University of Stavanger, Norway, to apply additional components of innovative and immersive drug discovery tools to membrane proteins of interest.

=> https://github.com/bam93/job-offers/tree/main/2021-postdoc-cofund

Post-doctorate in immersive scientific visualization of omic data. (M / F)

The LBT has developed original tools for visualization and analysis of protein structures, focusing on advanced environments such as virtual reality helmets and display walls. This project aims to apply and improve the Unitymol approach to computational analysis, visualization and modeling of redox signal networks. The aim of this project is to develop an interactive bioinformatics tool for the visualization of huge proteomic datasets of redox signaling networks. These will be made intelligible through a large and high-resolution visualization wall to analyze network dynamics, based on quantitative and time-resolved proteomic technology that allows detection of nitrosylation and glutathionylation. Structural interpretations will be enabled by an automated modeling pipeline linking to various human mitochondrial diseases. We are seeking a highly motivated candidate to develop and implement a next generation bioinformatics visualization platform. The candidate will develop a tool for modeling the 3D structure of all modified proteins of the target organism, the alga Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii. The generated data will be integrated into the visualization of the redox networks. We will achieve this through a graphical representation of the redox system and its evolution over time, with the ability to explore connections between different systems. The foundations for the project have already been laid (see e.g. UnityMol), so we have a well-defined framework to get started. This position is a unique training opportunity in a multidisciplinary environment that brings together several leading groups in academic research.

=> https://github.com/bam93/job-offers/tree/main/2021-postdoc-minomics

Consultant réalité augmentée à  | Site Web |  Plus de publications

Grégory MAUBON est consultant indépendant en réalité augmentée (animateur et conférencier) depuis 2008, où il a créé www.augmented-reality.fr et fondé en 2010 RA'pro (l'association francophone de promotion de la réalité augmentée). Il a aidé de nombreuses entreprises (dans plusieurs domaines) à définir précisément leurs besoins en réalité augmentée et les a accompagnées dans la mise en œuvre.

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