[job] IT Integrator – Mixed Reality chez Airbus à Toulouse

As our future Mixed Reality Integrator, you will actively contribute to both AR & VR industrial deployment & customer success with for Airbus Commercial together with Airbus Helicopters and Airbus Defense and Space.

Acting as a integrator expert, your role will cover the understanding of the Mixed Reality Portfolio and expected business release. Acting as a transversal coordinator across divisions, you will ensure constant coordination between diverse development teams.
With a key role of integrator leader you will have to ensure adapted industrial deployment of our key application.

Being at the core of a multifunctional team, you will identify risks and actively report integration progress through short term & long roadmaps. With a collaborative & coaching mindset, you will support team development ensuring continuous knowledge transfer from state of the art solutions with experts all across the group.

Informations sur https://www.aerocontact.com/emploi-aeronautique/it-integrator-mixed-reality-fm~678973.html

Consultant réalité augmentée à  | Site Web |  Plus de publications

Grégory MAUBON est consultant indépendant en réalité augmentée (animateur et conférencier) depuis 2008, où il a créé www.augmented-reality.fr et fondé en 2010 RA'pro (l'association francophone de promotion de la réalité augmentée). Il a aidé de nombreuses entreprises (dans plusieurs domaines) à définir précisément leurs besoins en réalité augmentée et les a accompagnées dans la mise en œuvre.

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